Wise advice to read your work out loud. Now I don't think I'm weird for that reason! LOL

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Greetings Jeff, your friend Robert's advice on reading everything aloud is spot on. I will add to that, print your work and read through a print copy. Inevitably mistakes show up better in pages printed than on the computer. The computer is great for editing and proofing with Spellcheck, but a printed page read aloud it that best way to edit. Never ever rely on Spellcheck alone, or Grammarly.

Someone I know had a "professional" editor proof their book and that editor used Grammarly and and told the person their book was ready to self publish on Amazon. After printing, people reading the book, including myself, started finding errors. I freelance so I offered to re-proof and edit the book. I spent about 10 days proofing and editing the book for this person, for a fraction of what they paid the "professional" editor.

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