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Hello ty for sharing. Atlanta, and your younger years sound fascinating. I've been mulling through my late teens, the time just before I had my older estate daughter...just Before the end!

The end if my innocents, as if I'm Nothing more than the Fierce mama Bear, that I am, then i am nothing. I had her, 1 month before I turned 18. She is almost 35. I'm a Proud mom. She is The activities director at an affluent retirement commonunity and makes a negative, but handsome wage.

I would not change my hearts hips while caring for her, or any of the things I had charge of. I'd do it Again. For I know I've had a hand in Atleast 3 beings that are deserving of their oxygen! Ty

I hope you are all Well, if not I hope you ate today 😊 peace and Love Blessings to all!

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